The MDH is a business entity that operates and develops its business on the Croatian and soon on the foreign market. We are aware of the importance of responsible and ethically based behavior of business entities in order to create sustainability for all participants who create added value for the company and the local community. It is a prerequisite for developing quality relationships within the company and fair competition among business partners.
Company management is based on the following: “be ethical, be responsible and be moral”. Every individual within the company, representing it, also represents himself/herself, and vice versa. It is vital for the company, including all employees, to maintain its reputation and build relationships of trust among all associates, business partners and customers.
The Code is intended for employees to understand their ethical and legal obligations as well as to provide insight to business partners and clients in the values we value within the company.
We believe that adherence to the Code will enable the company to innovate and be creative, in maximum adaptation to the requirements and variability of the market.
Although this Code of Conduct does not cover all the problems that may arise, it intends to establish guidelines and rules according to which employees can behave in certain situations.
The Corporate Governance Code is a set of principles of business professional conduct and good practice. It emphasizes responsibility in the implementation of standards of conduct, in order to achieve benefits for all participants.
The purpose of the Code is to instruct employees on the manner of conduct appropriate to the work environment and in accordance with moral and professional norms and generally accepted values that apply to all employees.
The Code sets out the company’s basic organizational values and position on ethics and business conduct, as well as principles in terms of relations with third parties.
The Code of Business Conduct is based on day-to-day activities. The values that MDH stands for are the following:
- Ethics and morality in business
- Business economy
- Respect and appreciation of employees
- Complying with customers’ requests
- Delivery of higher quality products and services compared to the competition
- Quality cooperation with business partners
- Environmental protection
- Quality relationship with the local community
In case of a discrepancy between moral and business activity, the rule that one should insist on morally correct action shall apply.
Persons and companies bound by a contract, or doing business on behalf of the MDH, are also subject to the provisions of this Code.
The MDH and its employees are obliged to comply with all local, state and global laws and regulations applicable in the country in which they operate. The same compliance with the law is expected from business partners.
Ignorance of the law is not considered a valid excuse in case of an infringement. In case of doubt, it is necessary to seek the approval of a superior before carrying out an action that could lead to an infringement.
Economic reasons also do not justify breaking the law.
The long-term viability of the company is based on customer satisfaction, whether in business relationships with end customers, or business partners. It is imperative to maintain good relationships with clients based on fairness, respect and mutual appreciation. Clients must be given only clear, specific and accurate information. Any provision of information that may be misinterpreted should be avoided. In no case is it permissible to make promises to customers that will not be able to be met, regarding delivery times, quality and price. We expect equal treatment in return for our employees and do not allow underestimation, discrimination, harassment and threats.
Quality employees are the basic competitive advantage that sets us apart from the competition. There is no, and must not be, discrimination in the company, so the work of women is valued equally as the work of men. In this regard, the company is open to quality and educated employees regardless of gender, age and religion. We respect the dignity of employees, their rights and their privacy and treat them with respect.
Enabling lifelong learning has a positive effect on the company, because it ensures the retention of quality and satisfied staff. The work of employees is continuously monitored and evaluated. A quality reward system contributes to the acquisition of skills and the development of employee competencies. The assessment of employees affects their satisfaction, and therefore they become more motivated to work in the company. It is important that the assessment results are the basis for rewarding because it contributes to a better climate in the work environment.
We believe that an employee should be rewarded if he achieves the set goals.
The choice of the best company management profile will depend on the competition. The free market and competition significantly affect business and behavior. Market conditions are changing, and companies which adapt in a timely manner and have a sustainable competitive advantage will survive in the market. In order to survive and thrive, we must be different from the competition. Comparison with the competition allows us an insight into our current position and provides guidelines for the future. Competition forces us to constantly change. That is why we should treat the competition fairly and correctly, and at the same time use all legal and morally acceptable means to be better. We can jointly appear on the market as a group of bidders with the aim of obtaining a certain job, but with a clearly agreed legal definition of conditions.
While working at the MDH, employees will come into possession of confidential business information as well as information about the business partners. This includes all information that is not publicly available. Such information includes, in addition to details about the organization and manner of work within the company and information on business relationships and contracts, customer and employee records, supplier and customer lists, contact lists and telephone numbers. Employees can also obtain information about the technologies used by our partners and their intellectual property as well as other business data.
Confidential information is used exclusively to achieve business objectives. They may not be discussed or exchanged with any unauthorized person within or outside the company.
Employees may only transmit information within the scope of their powers.
Any other use of confidential information of the company for other business occasions or for personal purposes is prohibited. The obligation to protect confidential information is valid even after the employee leaves the company with its contractual period of compliance.
Employees should never disclose confidential information to third parties outside the company without obtaining prior management consent or signing a data confidentiality or data protection agreement.
Through their work and use of the company’s assets, employees achieve the set economic business results. Improper use of equipment can lead to damage, reduced functionality resulting in reduced value and unnecessary costs, and ultimately leading to poorer business results. All employees should treat the company’s assets carefully and responsibly, because only such a relationship enables long-term business sustainability. They must have the same attitude towards our business partners’ equipment.
The company’s assets are intended for its needs and for use for business purposes. They must not be used for private purposes.
By poor attitude and malpractice towards the company’s assets, employees directly affect the company’s competitive advantage, and thus their security. Non-material values such as: intellectual property, copyrights and other knowledge within the company also belong to the company property. Without the special permission of the responsible person, the company property may not be used for private purposes.
The MDH is aware that everyone has their own individual interests and encourages the development of those interests, especially when they are beneficial to the entire community, but as long as these personal interests do not conflict with the company’s interests. Employees must not have any financial or other interest in their work or engage in any activity that could deprive the company of their time or special attention in the performance of obligations in the MDH.
Performing additional work outside the company or volunteering must be reported in writing to the company’s management.
Performing additional work outside the company for a fee must be exclusively approved by the company’s management. Permission for such an activity may be refused if it may lead to a reduction in working capacity, is contrary to the employee’s duties within the company or if there is a risk of a conflict of interest.
It is also not allowed for family members or persons with whom we are affiliated to have financial or other interests that may adversely affect the performance of employees’ obligations to the MDH and thus obtain any direct or indirect personal benefit (which may arise due to information from the MDH contract with a third party).
Employees who perform certain political functions are obliged to inform the Management Board of the company about it, and they can perform this activity exclusively independently and outside working hours.
Any form of bribery and corruption is strictly forbidden. We will abide by the anti-corruption laws of the countries which we operate in and which our clients come from. Relationship towards clients and business partners is based solely on economic criteria, compliance with environmental and social standards, the applicable laws of the country which they operate in, and moral provisions. No one may offer, give or accept, directly or indirectly, any unauthorized monetary or other benefit for the purpose of obtaining, maintaining or securing any unlawful business advantage. Also, no one may receive any privileges, services, bonuses, gifts and other forms as an incentive to carry out some official actions or decisions related to business.
Gifts of symbolic value may be granted or accepted if they are in line with the general business culture as a gesture of kindness and a sign of attention, and if this is not interpreted as a means of coercion, a form of retaliation service to the same extent, and exclude influence on business or official decisions. If it is not possible to refuse inappropriate gifts due to the method of delivery or the donation situation, the gifts can be accepted, but it is also necessary to decide on further action (donation to charities).
The MDH is committed to providing a work environment free from any form of sexual or other harassment, whether that harassment comes from employees, business partners or clients. They shall treat each employee in the same way, with integrity and dignity, and shall not tolerate any form of discrimination.
The company is committed to equal opportunities in the labor market and will ensure that every employee has the same favorable opportunity for promotion without discrimination. Every employee has the same treatment and the same opportunities in all work situations, regardless of gender, age, religion, race, skin color, sexual orientation, ethnic origin / country of origin, or disability.
Discrimination is not considered to be the choice of individuals based on their abilities, or the qualifications required for a particular position.
We are committed to abolishing all forms of child labour and forced labour, freedom of association, collective bargaining and social partnership, fair payment of wages and benefits in accordance with local market conditions, reasonable working hours and paid leave, and proportionality in disciplinary and security measures.
Employees are not allowed to post degrading opinions about colleagues, business partners and clients on social media websites. Social media includes communication platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia or blogs. In addition, statements that intentionally damage business or reputation are not allowed. These include threats and insults, the publication of degrading content (e.g., photographs), making inaccurate claims and statements that seriously disrupt the peaceful working atmosphere and further cooperation.
Environmental protection and compliance with environmental laws is one of the basic principles in performing our activities. When carrying out activities and making decisions, the company takes care of the environmental impact. We are committed to the responsible use of natural resources to reduce energy and water consumption and reduce waste. In our work, we use equipment and devices that do not harm the environment or have the least possible negative impact on the environment, and we have the same business principle when creating projects and consulting clients.
The company wants to enable all its employees to work in a healthy, safe and comfortable working environment, because such an environment is a prerequisite for the highest professional and personal achievements. Work safety is a priority.
The company organizes work in a way that ensures the protection of life and health of employees and in accordance with special laws, other regulations and the nature of the work performed.
Safety at work is a prerequisite for normal business, so the company undertakes all the necessary, legally established norms and standards of occupational safety.
The company will acquaint the employee with hazards of the work they perform, and train them to work in a way that ensures the protection of their life and health and prevents accidents.
Drug and alcohol consumption at the workplace is forbidden. Any abuse of drugs, alcohol or drugs can impair the safety and well-being of employees, or negatively affect the business processes in the company. Moderate alcohol consumption is allowed on special occasions (e.g., at celebrations) with the prior approval of superiors.
The MDH collects, uses, processes or stores personal data only for legitimate business purposes. Any collection, retention, use or communication of personal information with a third party must be done in a manner respecting the individual and in accordance with the law or if necessary, in order to exercise the rights and obligations arising from the employment relationship, or in connection with the employment relationship.
Personal data of employees may be collected, processed, used and delivered to third parties only by an authorized service within the company or a member of the Management Board for the purpose of employment. If the tasks related to employment and payment of salaries are entrusted to third parties as an external service, they are obliged to comply with the prescribed laws and applicable regulations.
Confidential personal data may not be passed on to anyone inside or outside the company without special authorisation or legal basis.
Each employee must adhere to the adopted MDH values in their daily work and is responsible for adhering to and complying with all regulations. Failure to comply with these regulations requires the initiation of disciplinary proceedings and the final measure may be the termination of the employment contract, or business and technical cooperation, as well as civil and criminal prosecution.
Any conduct that deviates from the Code should be reported to the supervisor. Any violation of the rights, even of an individual employee, can seriously damage the company’s reputation and cause significant damage, often of a financial nature. The MDH does not tolerate violations of the law and does not protect culprits from legal sanctions.
Any report of the Code violation will be treated confidentially, and every effort will be made so that the employee as a result does not suffer any consequences. Each application will be thoroughly examined. If an employee acts in good faith, but his/her suspicions are not confirmed, he/she does not have to fear any negative consequences. Negative statement of any kind towards employees who have reported violation will be considered a serious non-compliance with the Code of Conduct.
The Code was adopted with the intention of making it easier for employees to navigate, and of instructing them on the ways and means of behaviour, in the work environment, as well as of giving business partners an insight into the business values we stand for.
In case of questions, ambiguities, ideas or remarks on the adopted Code of Business Conduct, you are free to contact those responsible at the following e-mail address:
You will receive feedback as soon as possible.